11th – People: “People are Strange when you are a Stranger”

Just came after LYING to a friend. I think I have earned some good people in my life who perhaps are genuinely concerned about me. Often I have found them listening to me. Yet every time I have lacked the courage to uncover my vulnerabilities. The puzzle I face between their concern and curiosity holds… Continue reading 11th – People: “People are Strange when you are a Stranger”

Categorized as Regular

10th – POS and poverty

What a day it was. Nothing fancy, yet kind of content. I had already drafted the title of my 10th (this) blog a couple of days back. It was primarily meant to be about my changing opinion about the absolute (and my reaction after using DALL.E 2). But. But today I am going to talk… Continue reading 10th – POS and poverty

Categorized as Regular

Weeks 10, 11 – Jealousy

It had been 7 weeks since I have actually journaled anything properly. Was I busy? No. I had been mostly sleeping 8 to 12 hours a day, working a bit and thinking (a lot, a lot lot). I have created this wall within my brain that keeps on producing thoughts about specific events, people, happenings… Continue reading Weeks 10, 11 – Jealousy

Categorized as Weekly

Weeks 5 & 6 – Losing control

A lot of things (both fresh and repetitive) happened in the past two weeks. Had been journaling (personally) short notes daily. It usually takes more than approximately 3 focused hours to comprehend and polish my weekly experiences and learnings into a presentable blog. Since I do not want to rush while I present my very… Continue reading Weeks 5 & 6 – Losing control

Categorized as Weekly

Week 4 – Gaining momentum?

Week started with a call from a restaurant. This time I have been referred by a distant friend with whom I had not been in touch for a very long time (networking is important in early stages, therefore). This is also the first time the client was interested in my age. Though I am 20,… Continue reading Week 4 – Gaining momentum?

Categorized as Weekly

Week 3 – Fresh feelings

This week’s morning started with dusts of glasses that contained all those happenings that I do not wanted to happen, or at least not at once. However, this time I was successful to proact to the circumstances. The next day, Tuesday, I left for Calcutta. I was travelling with Hrit, this time. Met him after… Continue reading Week 3 – Fresh feelings

Categorized as Weekly